Selected Publications

"Enhancing Virtual Reality Systems with Smart Wearable Devices"
"Do Human Cognitive Differences in Information Processing Affect Preference and Performance of CAPTCHA?"

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"Performance Vs. Freshness in Web Database Applications"

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"Optimized Query Routing Trees for Wireless Sensor Networks"

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"Workshop on Human Aspects in Adaptive and Personalized Interactive Environments (HAAPIE 2018)"

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Distributed Mobile Systems

Novel Mobile and Smart Wearable Technologies and Applications

Our team has been working towards realizing innovative mobile solutions that leverage the knowledge inferred from sensors embedded in smart wearable and mobile devices (e.g., user emotions, physical activity, mobile device resource utilization, etc.) for improving user experiences and performance in various mobile application domains. Representative research projects in this line of work include: an adaptive mobile advertising framework based on user characteristics and mobile resource utilization; a middleware for combining heterogeneous wearable technologies in mobile apps with minimal developer effort; and mobile/wearable frameworks for assisting people with disabilities (e.g., people with hearing and vision impairments) in engaging seamlessly with their surrounding environment using the advanced capabilities offered by today's smart wearable devices.

Main Research Objectives:

  • Adjusting the frequency of mobile ads in modern mobile apps to improve user experiences and alleviate hidden costs due to mobile advertising [MobileSoft16]
  • Seamless integration of multiple heterogeneous mobile/wearable/cloud devices to realize new novel multi-wearable apps with advanced capabilities
  • Leveraging the unique capabilities of emerging wearable technologies to support people with disabilities in common everyday life activities

Selected Publications

Alshaal, S.E., Michael, S., Pamboris, A., Herodotou, H., Samaras, G., Andreou, P. (2016) "Enhancing Virtual Reality Systems with Smart Wearable Devices" 17th IEEE International Conference on Mobile Data Management, 345-348
Baguena, M., Pamboris, A., Pietzuch, P., Samaras, G., Sichitiu, M. L., Manzoni, P. (2016) "Towards Enabling Hyper-Responsive Mobile Apps Through Network Edge Assistance" The 13th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2016), 9-12 January 2016, Las Vegas, USA, pp. 399-404