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Reports (total : 15)


D. Zeinalipour-Yazti, P. Andreou, P. Chrysanthis, G. Samaras, A. Pitsillides (2007) "The MicroPulse Framework for Adaptive Waking Windows in Sensor Networks", TR-2007-015, Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus

D. Zeinalipour-Yazti, P. Andreou, P. Chrysanthis, G. Samaras (2007) "MINT Views: Materialized In Network Top-k Views in Sensor Networks", TR-2007-016, Department of Computer Science, University of Pittsvurgh


Citron, A., Samaras, G. (1995) "Handling Parallel Processing in Multimedia Systems", IBM Research Report, TR#29.2084, IBM Research Triangle Park, November 1995

Samaras, G. and S. D. Nikolopoulos (1995) "Algorithmic Techniques Incorporating Heuristic Decisions in Commit Protocols", IBM Research Report, IBM Research Triangle Park, June 1995

Samaras, G., S.D. Nikolopoulos, K. Britton, A. Citron (1995) "Efficient Algorithms for Managing Transaction Identifiers in the Peer-to-Peer Distributed Transactional Environment", IBM Research Report, IBM Research Triangle Park (RTP), June 1995


Samaras, G., A. Kshemlakyani, A. Citron (1994) "Context Management and its Applications to Distributed Computations", IBM Research Report, TR#29.1968, IBM Research Triangle Park, Dec. 1994


Samaras, G., Citron, A. (1993) "Unchained Transactions in the Peer-to-Peer Chained environment of SNA's LU6.2", IBM Research Report, IBM Research Triangle Park, October 1993

Samaras G., K. Britton, A. Citron, C. Mohan (1993) "Enhancing SNA's LU6.2 Sync Point to Include Presumed Abort Protocol", IBM Technical Report, TR# 29.1751, IBM Research Triangle Park, August 1993

Samaras, G., Citron, A., Kshemlakyani, A. (1993) "Unchained Transactions and SNA's LU6.2", IBM Research Report, TR# 29.1748, IBM Research Triangle Park , July 1993

Samaras G., K. Britton, A. Citron, C. Mohan (1993) "Commit Processing Optimizations in the Commercial Distributed Environment.", IBM Research Report, TR# 29.1625 IBM Research Triangle Park, March 1993

Samaras, G., Citron, A., Kshemlakyani, A. (1993) "Reconciling Communication Protocol Support for Chained and Unchained Transactions", IBM Research Report, TR# 29.1692 IBM RTP March 1993


Samaras, G., Spooner D., and M. Hardwick (1992) "Query Classification in Object-Oriented Engineering Design Systems", IBM Research Report, TR#29.1346 IBM Research Triangle Park, March 1992

Mohan, C., K. Britton, A. Citron, G. Samaras (1992) "Generalized Presumed Abort: Marrying Presumed Abort and SNA's LU6.2 Commit Protocols", IBM Research Report, RJ8684, IBM Almaden Research Center, March 1992

Samaras G., K. Britton, A. Citron, C. Mohan (1992) "Two-Phase Commit Optimizations and Trade offs in the Commercial Environment", IBM Research Report, TR# 29.1347 IBM RTP, March 1992


Samaras, G. and M. Hardwick (1987) "A VLSI CAD System Developed on ROSE using Hierarchical object-oriented approach", Technical Report, Computer Science Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, 1987